Stephen Budiansky, Oliver Wendell Holmes: A Life in War, Law, and Ideas (W W Norton & Co, 2019) [Book Review]
The Honourable Justice Choo Han Teck
(2020) 32 SAcLJ 324
Kow Keng Siong, Sentencing Principles in Singapore (Academy Publishing, 2nd Ed, 2019) [Book Review]
Kumaralingam Amirthalingam
(2020) 32 SAcLJ 330
Practitioners' Guide on Damages Awarded for Defamation Cases in Singapore (Salina Ishak & Clement Julien Tan eds) (Academy Publishing, 2019) [Book Review]
Gary Chan Kok Yew
(2020) 32 SAcLJ 332
Joseph Chun & Lye Lin Heng, Environmental Law in Singapore (Academy Publishing, 2019) [Book Review]
Koh Kheng Lian
(2020) 32 SAcLJ 335