Christian Witting & Goh Yihan
(2015) 27 SAcLJ 607
What Does Tort Law Protect?
Allan Beever
(2015) 27 SAcLJ 626
The Protection of Personal Interests – Evolving Forms of Damage in Negligence
Margaret Fordham
(2015) 27 SAcLJ 643
Medical Negligence and Patient Autonomy – Bolam Rules in Singapore and Malaysia: Revisited
Kumaralingam Amirthalingam
(2015) 27 SAcLJ 666
Reputation and Defamatory Meaning on the Internet – Communications, Contexts and Communities
Gary Chan Kok
(2015) 27 SAcLJ 694
Tortious Intrusions upon Solitude and Seclusion – A Report from New Zealand
Stephen Todd
(2015) 27 SAcLJ 731
A Common Law Tort of Privacy? – The Challenges of Developing a Human Rights Tort
Paula Giliker
(2015) 27 SAcLJ 761
The Data Protection Paradigm for the Tort of Privacy in the Age of Big Data
Hannah Lim
Yee Fen
(2015) 27 SAcLJ 789
Internalising Externalities – An Enterprise Risk Approach to Vicarious Liability in the 21st Century
David Tan
(2015) 27 SAcLJ 822
Accessory Liability in Tort and Equity
Lee Pey Woan
(2015) 27 SAcLJ 853